Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Winter Semester Memories

Us in Spokane

Teton Peaks in Wyoming

Katie! Last day of Snowboarding. Sad day.


This is what happens when Jeff gets a hold of your camera. And no, I did not turn the picture up-side-down, that's how he took it.

Sam, Sean and Mason at the movies.

Jeff's famous booty dance. Love the face!

Mason and Jeff doing I don't know what.

Me and Mason at Cragos

Chase, Sarah and Jeff at Cragos

Sam and Sean

All the guys, and Sam squeezed in there. lol.

When Sarah came to visit!


Taking a nap. (not really. . .lol)

Mason, Chase and Jeff singing happy birthday to Lorie Ann

Mom's ski pants were a little too big for Sarah.

Lorie and Jeff got into a chocholate cake fight on the way home from snowboarding. They accidetnly got some cake on some guy who was sitting a few rows back, it was pretty funny, that guy got really mad.

Mr. Pimp himself. lol. jk.

Me and Jeff having tons of fun doing some gymnastics!