Sunday, March 23, 2008

Roommate Road Trip

Roommate road trip to Star Valley Whyoming! Karli has a cabin in Star Valley, and so we went there and hung out with her family for the weekend. It was a blast! Saturday we got to go snowmobiling, it was my frist time ever and I had the time of my life. I was reaching speeds of 55 MPH, and hitting some fun jumps. Karli says that we're now true snowmobiliers and we can now call them sleds. After snowmobiling we came back to the cabin and jumped in the hot tub and relaxed for the rest of the night. Sunday morning (Lisa's Birthday/Easter) we went to a ward in Star Valley, and oh my goodness, it was a sight to see. The organist over exaggerated the emotion in the song. One measure she would be playing really quietly and peaceful, and the next she would be pounding the keyboard. It was pretty funny. The guy sitting behind us was snoring in our ears, and the Grandma sitting next to us was making rude comments about a baby's dress. It was definitly a ward of character...To say the least. lol. Not to mention the Mother who couldn't not control they're children, they were running around all over the place. lol.
It was so good to get away, I am so glad that I have such fun, wonderful and loving roommates, it really makes life so much easier. Welp, here are some pictures I thought would be fun for you guys to see.

Action Shot
Allie got thrown off the snowmobile
That's Me
My Roommates
Lisa and Allie
Lisa, Allie, and Karli
Lisa, Me, Allie, and sorry Kar, but you didn't quite make it in the picture.
Lisa and me

Me and Karli

Allie and Me

Road Trip!

We're just being silly, we had nothing else today Friday night, so we took pictures of us.


Karon said...

That trip sounds like so much fun. You and your roommates are so cute!

Karie said...

Kara- what a blast. Have some fun for me,okay? What a great group of roomies!

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