Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Car Accident

Me and Casey were driving home from school and we were in the middle of Wyoming. For those of you familiar with Wyoming, we were just past Rawlins. Casey hit the bumpy strips on the side of the road, and way over corrected himself and the car went into a tail spin and then the car flipped 3 1/2 times. We both walked away from this terrible accident unharmed. We've both been sick to our stomachs, and I have a few small bruises, but that's all. We are so lucky to be alive, yet alone with out major injuries.
The tow truck company took us to a Motel in Saratoga Wyoming, a tiny little town about 40 miles off the interstate. There we tried to sleep, but I think we both got about 2 hours. In the morning, Bishop Powell, the bishop in Saratoga came and picked us up and took us to the car to get all of our stuff out of the car, and then took us back to his house (10 miles outside of town). There we spent the afternoon, had lunch and got all of our stuff organized. Later he drove us the 80 miles to Larmie WY where we had a flight out of in the morning. He took us to a FedEx store to ship some bags and and then dropped us off at our Hotel.
Saturday morning we were able to take a shuttle from the hotel to the airport. We finally made it in to Atlanta that evening, without our bags. But thankfully they shipped our bags to our house the next afternoon. So to stay the least, we're greatful to be home and alive!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well school gets out a week from TODAY!!! Can I just say waking up this morning and knowing it was Thursday and knowing that I only had a week to go could have been one of the happiest moments I have ever experienced!!! These last few weeks have been extremely difficult for me, not only am I so over school, but I so terribly just want to get out of this place and finally go home! I not only want school to be over, but I want to be home with my family, and of course my wonderful Fiancee!!! I get to see him in 9 days!!! We're finally down into single digits!!!

Well finals actually aren't killing me too bad this semester, I have a total of 6 finals, but I have already taken four of them this week, so next week I only have 2 more to take. The semester is coming to a close quickly, and I can't believe I made it. Next time I am out here in Rexburg, RYAN WILL BE WITH ME EVERYDAY!!!

I don't know if any of you have realized, but we have never lived in the same state together, yet alone the same city. I fingered out that the most days that we have spent together is 6 days and this happened on 3 different occasions (including the cruise). Pretty sad huh? I have no idea how it's worked out, but it has, it must be Love!

Welp it's just a quick update, I've gotta run to class now...see ya!