Sunday, May 11, 2008


So I like to try to post pictures on here every time because sometimes I feel like it's boring with out them. I mean seriously, who actually reads this? Don't you come here to look at my pictures? lol. But lately my life has been extremely boring, and nothing eventful has happened, so I have no pictures to share with you today, sorry. Hopefully next time.

But I just had a few things that I wanted to share with you guys, first of all, I got a new church calling, Gospel Doctrine Teacher. I would have to say, one of the hardest calling's in the ward. But my Bishop obviously wanted to give me a challenge. So if you ever have any insights to the lesson a head of time, please feel free to share with me. I am quite intimidated with this calling.

Another thing, my niece, Kendallyn is now rolling over on her own! That's huge! She laughs, smiles, and is so fun to be around. I would put pictures up, but I haven't seen her for quite some time now, when ever I am over she's sleeping or eating or Mom's busy with her. But I do love her like CRAZY! lol.

Welp, as for school...BORING...I'll be excited when my generals are all done so I can actually start enjoying my classes. Next semester I'll be there!

Well, I am checking out for the night, I'll catch you guys later.