Monday, May 12, 2008

OK Momma, this is for you!

1. Go to
2. Log in

To add a new post:
1. (on your home page) There is a link that says: "New Post with a + next to it. CLICK IT!
2. An empty box pops up, that's where you write your blog. You can change fonts and font size by pushing the buttons on the toolbar on the top of the box.

3. To add a picture to your blog, on that same toolbar, there a little picture (third from the end, by the little eraser). CLICK IT!

4. From here you can click browse to add pictures, and you can add more than one picture at a time by clicking above the browse "Add another image".
You can also choose to post your pictures to the Left, Center, or Right
5. Once you have the picture you want to add, click Upload image (it may take a few seconds)
6. You can always go back and add more pictures by clicking the little picture again from step 3
7. Usually when your pictures post in the box, they're all scattered, and all over the place. I usually have to play with it until I get them all lined up the way I want.
* a trick is hold down the space bar to add more lines. But be sure when you have your pictures all lined up like you want, you get rid of that space so it doesn't show up on your blog.

8. Once you've got it all done, click the orange "Publish Post" at the bottom of the box