Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nothing New

Well it's been a week now, and I really have nothing to report. Work is going well, I am still anxious to go back out to Idaho, I've really been trying to be social and get involved with the Singles Ward, but it's been really hard. I was taking to someone the other day in the ward and he told me that he used to go to BYU-I...but that he went there when it was you see my problem? lol. This is why I am more than ready to go back to Idaho. Well I am taking some classes online, reading some books and doing some scrapbooking to keep me busy after work, and with all that, surprisingly the days go by so fast for me. (which is good) Welp Casey's kicking me off, so I guess I need to go.


Karie said...

Someone's Birthday is TODAY!!!!! Happy birthday KARA!

A Peek Into the Life of Kara said...

Thanks Aunt Karie!