Sunday, October 19, 2008

My weekend

It has been a really hard weekend for me. Friday afternoon I got a terrible phone call while I was at work telling me that two of my old roomates (who were cousins) got in a car accident while traveling down to Salt Lake. A moose ran out in front of then, Lisa (the driver) was able to walk away with few bruises and scratches. Where as Rachel (the passenger) didn't make it. I never had the chance to get close to Rachel because the semester she was my roommate I was dating and never spent a whole lot of time with my roommates. But I am really close with Lisa, and it not only breaks my heart that Rachel is gone, but that Lisa now has to live with this. Even though it isn't her fault at all, I am afraid that she will blame herself. I love Lisa so much and she was the reason I was going out to Idaho this week. She's going back home to Minnesota today and will be there all this week. So now I don't even know if I will get the chance to see Lisa while I am out there.
I am not asking for sympathy, just please keep Lisa and Rachel's family in your prayers. Here are some pictures of the accident:


Buttle Family said...

I am so sorry to hear about this accident. I have met Lisa that time you guys were traveling through. Our prayers will be with her and her family at this time. We love you Kara.

Cami Sullivan said...

Kara I am so sorry! What an unfortunate accident. I will keep you, your friends, and their family in my prayers.

Sam said...

Kara, I found your blog from Lorie's... That is so sad. I am really sorry about your cousins.