Friday, June 12, 2009


So, I've got a few things to share with you guys!!! A few uneventful things. But enjoy:

I MADE THIS!!!! Isn't that pretty!!! I was pretty proud of myself I am not going to lie!!! My first real cake, and it turned out so good!!!

This is where I got the idea from...

It was my roommates birthday!!! She turns 20 on Sunday!! Happy Birthday Janelle!

And this is me...Counting down the days till I get to see Ryan!
We're down to 4 days!!!

So get friend, Ben...woke me up and made me get out of bed at like 10:30...lame I know...but that's besides the point. He came over to give me this plant...
Would you say that's pretty much DEAD??? I sure would. He told me it was my job to give this plant some TLC. So what did I do, I watered it, I put it in the sun, and watered again, and did everything I needed to keep it alive. It never got better than this. I failed, but wouldn't you say this plan was past the point of no return?

Another story...Me and my roommate, Janelle, a few weeks ago wanted to make something, it was Friday night, and neither of us had plans, big surprise (at least for me). So we found this cake recipe online. A one serving cake recipe you make in the microwave in a mug. And this is what I got from it. It was a lot of fun, and actually quite good!


Buttle Family said...

I love the cake. It turned out so cute. Tell Ryan Hi from us when you see him. We miss him too.

Kelly said...

the cake is so cute, I think I will have you make your own birthday cake this summer LOL! Well maybe not, but you can make Katie's. I am excited for you to see Ryan, and Tyelr and Katie and bugs this week. You are going to have so much fun. I am excited for you.

Karie said...

Wow! Great cake Kara!!!!