Saturday, May 9, 2009

39 days

So my sister-in-law's blog is all messed up or something and it's really temperamental and doesn't allow her to put pictures up, so here are a few pictures I thought I would share of Kendalynn, cause she is so stinkin' cute...she by far beats every other little girl.

This is her little cousin Eli, he's quite a bit younger than she is, but he looks like they're the same size.

She is growing up so fast, I can't wait to see her in 39 days!!!

So last weekend I was able to spend it with Ryan and his family. It was our last weekend together. We had to say goodbye, I won't see him until June 17 (in 39 days)...not that I am counting or anything. But I got myself a plane ticket, and I am going to brag about it cause it was a steal. A round trip ticket on Delta from Idaho Falls to North Carolina for $300...I was so excited!!! So now I have something to look forward to!!! Well now that Ryan is gone my blog might become quite boring, cause I am not going to be doing much of anything other than school and hangin with grandma on the weekends!!! I am taking 17 credits this semester, so I am going to be staying very busy, which is good because that just means this semester will go by that much faster!!!

The last three days I have been camping at Badger Creek which is at the base of the Tetons. I had to go there for one of my classes and participate in all these team building exercises. It was a lot of fun and did a lot of activities that I had never done before, but we had all kinds of weather, rain, snow, sun, wind, cold, but never hot...It was fun, but I am sure glad to be back home and sleeping in my own bed.

Boy do I miss him


TheSandyCastle said...

Oh Kara, I love those pictures of y'all! They look so professional! And hey, 39 days isn't TOO long... :)

A Peek Into the Life of Kara said...

Ha! Professional??? Ryan set the camera on a tree and set the timer...that's as professional as we get!!!Love you!