Thursday, July 24, 2008

Georgia on my Mind

Well I made it to Georgia! I am really sad, I had to say good-bye to several people, some of which I don't know if I will ever see again. So it was really hard for me. This last year I was able to get really close to my roommates, Lisa and Karli, and saying bye to them was really hard. I also had several really good friends that I had to say good-bye too. And on top of that, my great-grandmother was in the hospital in Idaho Falls when I left, and I don't suspect to see her again, and that was really sad for me.

But on top of all that, I really am excited to be home. I start work on Monday and am ready to have a pay check again! I don't forsee myself having much of a social life for the next 5 months. So don't be expecting much from me on here. I am going white water rafting this Saturday, in October I plan on seeing the play Wicked, and in November I am going on a cruise, and with a lot of luck, hopefully making a trip out to Idaho sometime between then to see Karli and Lisa. So other than that, my life is Welp gotta go!


Katie said...

Hmm, it's such a bitter/sweet time...a cruise! Wow! Thanks for the update Kara