Monday, January 26, 2009

3 days and counting

So I am going down to Utah this weekend to see Ryan!!! I can't wait, it is so hard being away from him, the weekends are especially hard. I'll be sure to return with pictures, as always!

This week I am submitting my application to Southern Utah University, and Ryan is submitting his application to BYU-I. We're giving ourselves options. I checked today to see if Ryan's credits would transfer, and I am still waiting to hear back on three of his classes, but other than that I know for a fact that they all will transfer! So that's great news! We're going to sit down this weekend and look at our options, and see what our best option will be, and what makes the most since. I am really excited, I feel like it's all starting to come together, and I feel so good about it. So we shall see...


Buttle Family said...

Hope all goes well. I know I am Cheering for the Southern Utah way. You can snowboard at Brianhead and hike at Zions and be pretty close to us. That is a bonus.

Katie said...

Wow Kara, I can't wait until February 7th to get to in-person details!!

Kelly said...

I hope the weather clears for you to drive down there. Is there anyway you can get someone to go with you? Have fun and tell Ryan hello from your momma